So, according to a recent BBC news report, dogs too can get depressed. The funny thing however is that they mentioned that the symptoms for Dog Depression include: barking, chewing and/or pacing?! Shouldn't we be looking for more OBVIOUS symptoms, since dogs really can't communicate with us?
Wouldn't it be very handy, specially for us guys, if the dog turns into a bright purple color with green fluorescent dots when it's depressed or needs attention? I mean let's face it, I only service my car when smoke coming out from the engine starts flowing into the cabin. Now they are telling me that my dog might be depressed and the only clue is that it might be barking or chewing differently?!
Oh come on, give us a break here.....
My dog talk to me in Latin...
It's not your dog I am interested in, it's your sexy black cat. What language does she speak?
It's a he...
And he talks Kiwish, a language only he knows.
*Fesh turns into Young Apprentice Fesh
MASTER, Teach me the ancient Kiwish language and I shall be forever greatfull.
It's sort of squeaky, and not really a miaow. You also have to add little "trills" now and then. Here try this:
eeee2 eee2 prrrieo ee2 prrre2?
That means: food please
or: eee2 preeeeee2 prrrrieo eee2
That means: food please
or: prrrrniao peee2 eee2 preeeo
Which also means: food please
so yeah, you get the drift...
you disgust me.... an arousing way.
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