Saturday, January 10, 2009

2008 Resolutions - Review

I dug-up my 2008 resolutions and wanted to review them, here are my 7 resolutions and the progress I have done:

1. I'll pursue to completion one personal goal in life.
I did this one right. There was a reason I put this first in my resolutions because it was/is very important to me and I am happy that I exceeded my expectations. More on that later.

2. I'll read more, especially in new topics/areas.
I did this one right too. I went out of my way to read in interesting areas, I read more Arabic books, read about Physics and just finished an uber book that I'll dedicate a post to later.

3. I'll continue going to the gym to lose 10KG.

Ah yes, this one. *ahm* not good. Didn't lose 10KG. This resolution will be high-up on my 2009 resolutions.

4. I'll be a better son.

I am very happy with my progress on this one. Spent more time with the family, did more 'adventures' with the parents. I like to think that in 2008 I was a better son than in 2007.

5. I'll start conserving water and electricity where/when possible.
Didn't do it. Started with small steps but didn't pick it up as a habbit. Need to evaluate if I'll put it as a resolution in 2009 or not. 

6. I'll continue to travel, visit 3 new countries.

Yes! did it! And visited a LOAD of new cities!

7. I'll do one thing about my interest in Stand-Up.

Overall I'm happy. I had my resolutions in order of importance and with the first 4 of them being the most important to me. I am glad that I pursued my goal and achieved it, glad that I read more, glad that I become a better son. Though I failed to reach my goal of losing 10kg, I sustained the habit of going to the gym regularly and that is something I am glad I did.

I will be compiling my 2009 resolutions in the coming weeks as I venture back to the Frozen Wastelands were temperatures drop to shrinkage-inducing -20C. Yay!


Jade said...

Tell us about the personal goal!
Tell us tell us...
Besides being with Munqy in a blissful happy ending - what is it that you are hiding?

Fesh said...

Hehehehehe, will do man, preparing an uber post with all details. But must keep the suspense on!

Plus, I am moving out of the Frozen Wastelands THIS week so I'm Beeeeezzzzzaaaaaa!

Munqy said...

No no no Jade, you misunderstand. Fesh and Aku are the two who intend to live for ever in bum-loving bliss.